Other projects
LKAB Svappavaara | Railway pocket walls and roof construction | Construction/Mechanical |
LKAB Kiruna | Reconstruction of rolling circuit G KK2 | Construction/Mechanical |
LKAB Kiruna | Duct system for dust extraction, cooler unloading, and transport | Mechanical/Ventilation |
LKAB Kiruna | KS pocket before KS10KR001 SAK 14.8 | Construction/Mechanical/Ventilation |
Kaunis Iron | Exhaust air ducts | Mechanical/Ventilation |
Kaunis Iron | Additional work on overhead crane ladders | Mechanical |
Kaunis Iron | Platform including pipes and relocation of MSA06 | Mechanical/Piping |
Kaunis Iron | Additional platform installations | Mechanical |
LKAB Kiruna | New bentonite mixer KK2 SAK 14.8 | Mechanical |
LKAB Malmberget | Product pockets | Mechanical |
SSAB Luleå | New pump house | Construction/Mechanical/Piping |